
伊斯坦布尔法国领事馆的图书馆对外开放,我几乎每几天在那儿复习土语、搞文学翻译、做白日梦。地方不大,但采购书的负责人很有品位。我最近借到了获得了 2013 年法国地中海奖(Prix Méditerranée)的外国作品奖,《L’ange rouge》。原文是土耳其语的 《Şeytan, Melek ve Komünist》。据我所知,本书至今没有中文版。

Nedim Gürsel作为不愿意讨好官方的土耳其作家, Nedim Gürsel (纳迪姆·居尔塞尔)的经历是比较典型的:两次被告,部分作品 -- 《A Summer without End》和 《The First Woman》-- 有段时间被禁,后来他定居海外,在法国的大学教当代土耳其文学。80 年代被控诽谤当时掌权的军队;第二次是他 2008 发表的小说 《Daughters of Allah》被认为是亵渎宗教。不过,两次都没判有罪。

《L’ange rouge》围绕着二十世纪土耳其著名诗人 Nazım Hikmet (纳奇姆·希克梅特) 流亡东德和苏联的故事,涉及到伊斯坦布尔、柏林与莫斯科。虽是虚构的小说,但 Hikmet 确实是左派人士,1963 年在莫斯科病故。


2 thoughts on “阅读中:土耳其作家纳迪姆·居尔塞尔的《魔鬼、天使与共产党员》

    1. Whoa, that takes me back! I read that book in 2013-14 around the time of the Gezi Protests, the last time that Turkish youth had the chance to take to the streets and express their displeasure with Sultan Erdoğan’s rule. Nowadays, such activities would be downright dangerous.

      Yes, of course I read the French version of Nedim Gürsel’s novel, L’Ange Rouge (lit., the red angel). I can’t even read the newspaper in Turkish!

      Nâzım Hikmet studied in the Soviet Union, and was later imprisoned in Turkey for his leftist views.

      You seem surprised by the fact that the Turkish literary world had “anything to with [the] communist party.” But it’s important to note that since Atatürk ruled in the 20s, Turkey has often been led by military juntas, and opposition to such rule was loudly voiced by all sorts of Turkish artists.

      To learn a bit about this, I recommend scanning “Coup d’état Fiction: A Curiously Turkish Genre”:

      Coup d’état Fiction: A Curiously Turkish Genre

      Another example is Ruhi Su, an earthy folk singer who, due to his leftist sentiments, spent time in prison and was unable to perform in theaters or on the radio for decades. I strongly recommend this wonderful video of his australian tour — the government long denied him a passport — not long before he died:


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